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USB Disk Security provides 100% protectio

USB Disk Security provides 100% protection against any malicious programs trying to attack via removable drive. Supports USB drive, flash storage, thumb drive, ipod, and more.

USB keys are prone to infection. USB Disk Security is a program that aims to detect any virus before this has a chance to happen.

Steps for Installation:

1) Download the file HERE

2) Extract the file using WinRAR

*If you don’t have WinRar extractor, you may download it below:
>>> For 32-bit Windows OS (XP, Vista 32-bit) —–> Here
>>> For 64-bit Windows OS (Vista 64-bit, Windows 7) —–> Here

**Intall the Winrar after downloading so you may able to extract all RAR files. (It’s for future use also so don’t uninstall it, it’s a very usefull tool,okay? ^_^)

3)Extract the USB Security Disk RAR file after installing the WinRAR (do it by right-clicking the RAR file, select “Extract Files Here”, You may also use the option “Extract Files” so you’ll be able to choose manually where to place the extracted files in your hard drive).

4) After extracting the file, you’ll be seeing 2 files there [(1) Setup.exe, (2) Serial key text file] Run/Open the Setup.exe file to install USB Disk Security.

5) Run the Application after installation, in it’s window, you’ll see tabs in the upper part of it like:


6) Click the “INFORMATION” tab, You’ll see the License Status of it as ” Evaluation Version”, Click the “REGISTER” button then put the SERIAL KEY (Found at the text file) in the space provided, AS FOR THE “NAME”  put whatever name you want.

7) Then you’re done! you now have a full version of USB Disk Security! ^_^

***PLEASE NOTE HOWEVER, you may also experience a revert in the LICENSE STATUS everytime you restart your PC/LAPTOP or Everytime the Application detects Viruses/Malwares/Worms (Yes, it will revert back to “Evaluation Version”). But NO WORRIES my friends, just enter the SAME SERIAL KEY found it the text file, then it’ll be FULL VERSION again. ^_^ So, my advise to you all is place the SERIAL KEY TEXT FILE in the FOLDER of the USB Disk Security afer intallation(Example: C:\Program Files\USB Disk Security). For easy Access/Reference.

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